East Valley Tribune Divine shoes to fill By Chris Page, Tribune For most of his career,…
Author: MisterD
The Three Faces Of Tracey (congrats to all)
A Good Hair Day: Winokur Is Tracy in L.A. Stop of Hairspray Playbill.com By Kenneth Jones…
Phinally Phoenix….Well, Next Week!
Phoenix New Times Apr 08, 2004 Hairspray Holds Its Style BY ROBRT L. PELA Hairspray Details:…
Get Better Carly! Great Job, Keala
During one number in the musical Hairspray on Friday night, the music abruptly stopped and the…
Hairspray Preview Courtesy of Broadway Across America
Thought ya’ll might enjoy a great preview of Hairsray that’s out on the road with Bruce…
Notes From A Blonde: The Advocate-04-13-04
Mister V has a new essay in the latest issue of the Advocate where he spins…