Saturday Sept 4th: Bruce Bids Farewell To Hairspray Touring Company

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This Saturday night, Sept 4th, will be the last night for Hairspray in LA and the last night for Bruce with the touring company.

The touring company will head to Seattle, debuting on Sept. 7, while Bruce and a few of his fellow cast mates head to Broadway Oct. 5 th, 2004….

Those going with Bruce are Todd Susman and Jordan Ballard; Blake Hammond will join them a couple of weeks later.

Congrats to all of you for doing such an awesome job on this tour. I was able to catch it a couple of times and sat in with ya’ll at a rehearsal and benefit in Chicago. I see bright futures for all involved. Keep your dreams alive!!! And thank you for letting me be a small part of it…even if I was just a bystander 🙂